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Reassurance Scan

We provide reassurance for parents as early as possible (at 12-13 weeks). Scan can be performed any time (8-40 Weeks).

Reassurance Scan

All our scans are designed to reassure the parents

The fundamental aim of any of our scan is to reassure the parents that:

- the pregnancy development milestones are achieved
- the baby is properly formed and there are no major anomalies see n at this specific stage of gestation
- the heart is structurally normal and the
- cardiac function and heartbeat are normal
- the development of the brain is normal
- the growth of the baby is normal
- fetal well being signs are normal
- fetal environment is normal

Early Reassurance Package

Our signature Early Reassurance Packages are specially designed to reassure the parents as early as
possible that the baby has low possibility to have major structural and chromosomal anomalies.

The test represent winning combination of two independent state-of-the-art medical technologies:

Ultrasound: Early Fetal Scan – to exclude major structural anomalies

Genetics: NIPT – to reduce possibility of the baby to have trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome)
and trisomies 18 and 13.

Get in touch
+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494

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+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494



869 Naalya Road Ntinda, Kampala


Emergency Services 24/7

Day Clinics:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 6pm

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