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IVF & Fertility

The KIH IVF Clinic is the premier provider of compassionate and patient-focused fertility and reproductive services, with the utmost integrity and concern, delivered through a dedicated, diverse and experienced team of physicians and staff.

KIH IVF Clinic is directed by certified obstetricians and gynaecologists with a side specialization in reproductive medicines and experienced in providing state-of-the-art care for couples seeking fertility treatment. In addition to the expertise of the director, the Fertility The clinic uses a team of physicians from many specialties to aid in diagnosing and resolving fertility problems.


The Clinic may call upon any of a number of specialists from the hospital to consult as necessary a two-part program of evaluation and treatment. First, a physician thoroughly evaluates the nature of the couple’s problems to determine the cause of infertility. A complete review of medical and reproductive histories is followed by a physical examination and appropriate diagnostic studies.

After the evaluation has been completed, the physicians meet with the patients to outline a plan for therapy.


Get in touch
+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494

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© 2021 by Kampala Independent Hospital



+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494



869 Naalya Road Ntinda, Kampala


Emergency Services 24/7

Day Clinics:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 6pm

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